Case Studies

Case Study: Medical Negligence


We had a medical negligence case in which a young lady contracted a severe infection as a result of the poor hygiene of her treatment providers. As a result, she continues to suffer from the side effects of the medical negligence and has not returned to the workplace. She also now requires domestic assistance and personal care.



Our team gathered extensive evidence to show how this tragic incident had turned our client’s life upside down. We required a substantial number of expert medical reports given the client’s significant pre-existing conditions and the complex medical conditions affecting many systems of her body.
Additionally, we utilised the expertise of a forensic accountant to demonstrate the extent of her loss of earnings as a result of the medical negligence.


A mediation recently took place for this matter, a marathon day-long effort which lasted into the evening. We successfully negotiated a settlement in the sum of $275,000 for our client, a fantastic result which she was very pleased with. Another example of our legal team’s determination to achieve the best result possible for our clients!



Case Study: Motor Vehicle Accident
Case Study: Motor Vehicle Accident