Claim Advice

Schreuders Compensation Lawyers Perth Now Operating

Have you been injured in a car accident in Perth? Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can be a traumatic experience. If you have suffered an injury due to the negligent actions of another, you may be eligible for a personal injury claim.

At Schreuders, we understand the importance of making your personal injury claim process as simple as possible. Depending on the nature of the motor vehicle accident, a monetary value may be placed on the gap between your predicted life path and actual life path since the crash.

Our compensation lawyers in Perth can assist you with your claim, if you are injured in a car accident in Perth or wider WA. Read on to learn more about the claims process for a motor vehicle accident.

Can I Make A Claim?

In Perth, you may be eligible to make a claim for compensation if:

  • You were injured in a motor vehicle crash; or
  • A close relative was fatally injured and you were financially dependent on them.

To lodge a personal injury claim, you must be able to establish that the driver or owner of a motor vehicle other than you was at fault, completely or in part. If the vehicle at fault is unidentified or unlicensed, you may still be able to make a claim.

What is the Claims Process?

The process to make a personal injury claim will be different state to state. Schreuders compensation lawyers in Perth will guide you through the claims process. If you are injured in a car accident in Perth, the process of the claim will need to prove the following:

  • The person who caused the injury owed a ‘duty of care’ for your safety
  • The duty of care was breached
  • You have been injured as a result of the accident

This can be a complicated process depending on the nature of the motor vehicle accident and will include the collection of statements, accounts, medical reports and more.

To lodge a claim in WA, you will need to fill out a Notice of Intention to Claim. This form is available from the Compulsory Third Party Division of the Insurance Commission. It should be completed as soon as possible after the motor vehicle accident.

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What Can I Claim?

A personal injury claim can entitle you to compensation for loss of earnings, medical bills, prescription charges and even property damage. If your claim is accepted, you could be entitled to claim:

  • Reasonable and necessary hospital, medical and rehabilitation expenses.
  • An allowance towards any lost capacity to earn an income.
  • Future treatment expenses.
  • An allowance for any pain and suffering and inconvenience experienced by you as a result of your injuries.
  • Travelling expenses.
  • An allowance for any homecare services you may require as a result of your injuries.

If you have been injured in a car crash, our compensation lawyers in Perth can assist you in determining what you are eligible to claim.

Is There A Time Limit to Making A Claim?

Time limits do apply to claims in WA depending on your age and the nature of the situation:

  • If you have not lodged your claim within 3 years from the date you first became aware of your injury, you may be legally barred from pursuing a claim.
  • If you have not settled your claim within 3 years from when you first became aware of your injury you must ensure that Court proceedings are commenced to preserve your claim.
  • If you are under 18 years of age at the time you first became aware of your injuries, different limitations may apply.

To receive further information on the various limitation periods, or if you are unsure if your claim is within the time limit, contact Schreuders compensation lawyers in Perth today.

When Will My Claim be Finalised?

A personal injury claim as a result of a motor vehicle accident in WA could be finalised within 18 months depending on how complicated your situation is, the severity of your injuries and the treatment that you are likely to need before your injuries are stable.

Your claim will be finalised once the medical report confirming you have recovered from your injuries or your symptoms have stabilised, is received. Every claimant will respond differently to their particular circumstance, so this could take a number of weeks, months or even years.


If you have been injured in a car accident in Perth and would like to lodge a personal injury claim, contact Schreuders and speak with one of our compensation lawyers in Perth today.


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